Monday 20 August 2007


Finally got an appointment for physio. Had a consultation with them and they feel i would benefit most from hydrotherapy. I had my first hydro session this morning. It went well, i'm aching now but generally pleased with how it went. I'm walking around with one crutch more confidently now, and even went out to physio with just the 1 crutch today! I was feeling brave! Feeling a lot better today, i finally feel like i'm making some progress. Going to give driving a go this week. I tried a couple of weeks ago but i was in too much pain, just getting in the car was awful. I feel ready to do it now though, it's been 10 weeks i need some independence back. I'll let you know how i get on!

Second Recovery

Things went to plan and it was all pretty much the same as the first time around. I was a lot calmer going down to theatre this time, although I did have just a little cry when I got there!
My time in hospital went much the same as before. This time I didn't have to wear those gorgeous stockings! Instead I had to inject blood thinning medication in my stomach everyday for 5 weeks. I really didn't think I would be able to do it but you do get used to it.
My wound was clipped, rather than glued like last time. I had to have the clips removed after about 10 days by my district nurse. It didn't hurt, although the odd one got stuck to me and pulled slightly.
The angle of my right hip was not as bad as what my left side was before the operation, and the results were really good.
I've found recovery this time a lot slower than the first time and a lot more painful. Whether it is you forget just how painful it is or it really is more painful I don't know. However I was taking painkillers for 6 weeks this time, where as before I stopped on week 3. I'm currently 8 weeks post op whilst writing this, and even now I'm still uncomfortable with the pain.
At my 6-7 week check up this time things went well, my consultant is really pleased with the hip, although I seem to have a lot more muscle and tissue damage this time. I've also got a numb thigh which I never had last time. Apparently this is due to nerve damage during the operation and is very common. It seems that I will be on crutches longer this time than last time but I guess that depends on my physio, as yet I'm still waiting for an appointment. I've been trying to get around on just one crutch around the house but even that I'm finding quite painful.

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Things were going so well until...

After 3 or 4 months post surgery I began to get a pinching pain on my right side, I didn't think much of it to start with, as it was in my lower back more than my hip and I had heard it was quite common to suffer sciatica after PAO surgery. It became more uncomfortable and changed to more of a shooting pain right through my hip. I began to worry that because of all the weight and strain being put on my right hip during my recovery from the surgery on my left side,I was now going to get problems with my right hip. I had a check up with my consultant in December so decided to mention it. After explaining the pain, he decided I should consider having my right side done too. My response was 'NO WAY'! Once was enough and I was not going to go through all that again. Mr Apthorp then went on to explain that it's likely to only get worse, and to bear in mind there is approximately a 6 month waiting list. I was not interested, it was still all to fresh in my mind, so I left the appointment adament I would carry on regardless, and had a follow up appointment made for 4 months time to check how things were going.
Once I got home and spoke to my family and friends, they all thought I'd made a mistake and said I was too hasty in ruling it out straight away. It was my dad in the end who convinced me to go for it, he said to just get my name put on the waiting list as I can always change my mind and come off it. I really wanted another baby this year but I'm glad my dad changed my mind. It was hard enough going through this with 1 child, I couldn't imagine doing it with a baby too. So I called the hospital and got put on the waiting list.
Anyway despite the fact my right hip was playing up, the results from my left side were great. We celebrated the success of the surgery by booking a family holiday to Florida. We went in February, 6 months after the op and spent all day everyday walking. By the end of each day my left hip was aching but after a nights rest it was fine by the next morning. I didn't suffer too much with my right side either, I'm not sure whether the heat had anything to do with it but I didn't have any really painful days, just an occasional stabbing pain.
Things soon changed, within weeks of coming home I couldn't believe how quickly the pain in my right hip increased. I was in a lot more pain with my right than I ever suffered with my left before surgery. By the time my next appointment came around I never thought I would say this but I couldn't wait to have the operation! It was only a few weeks later and I had my date through, 6th June '07.
As the date approached I began to get really nervous again, but in the back of my mind I was sure I was doing the right thing. My Pre op Assessment came and went and before I knew it, it was the day of the op... Again!

No Crutches!!!

I was soon walking around with no crutches! To start with it was just around the house, hanging onto furniture, and walking with one crutch but within a few of weeks I was free! Once I started weight bearing I did find it painful, it wasn't as bad as before surgery but it was still uncomfortable. I think a lot of this was due to muscle weakness or damage and gradually it became easier and less painful. I was having physio once or twice a week which really helped. You need to do the exercise to get the results!
By about 8 weeks post op I was driving again, and by 10 weeks I was off crutches and back at work. I couldn't walk too far but things definately got easier with time.

Follow up appointment

I had a follow up appointment 6-7 weeks post surgery, after another x-ray I was given the ok for partial weight bearing. My consultant told me firstly to lift my left leg which I could do no problem, and then to lift my right leg. I was terrified that meant standing on my left (my operated side)! I really struggled to do it, after being conscious of putting too much weight on it for so long I found it really difficult to stand on it. It is a real weird sensation to start with, my leg just felt like jelly, and was quite tingly.

Recovery continues...

The first 3 weeks following the operation it is painful and restricting, you can't do very much at all. My life seemed to revolve around sleeping, eating, watching telly and reading. I found on the fourth week things became a lot easier and I could get around a bit more, and ventured out although I was always worried about falling over!
Sleeping of a night was not very nice. I love to sleep on my front, if I can't do that then my left side. Well I couldn't do either! I really struggled to get comfortable and was forever rearranging pillows around me.

The Scar

My scar goes from my side just below my waist down to the top of my pubic hair. I was 'glued' so I didn't have to worry about having stiches or clips removed.