Thursday 2 August 2007

So Why Am I Doing This?

I guess I'm doing this kind of backwards, however there is a reason behind this...
Over the last several years I have had major problems with my hips due to Hip Dysplasia, which has resulted in surgery on both my left and most recently my right hip. When I was first advised that the best treatment for me would be a Peri-Acetabular Osteotomy I had no idea what this was. My consultant done his very best at explaining the operation to me, however I still left my appointment that day with so many questions I decided to do my research on the internet. This really did not help me... After many hours,days and even weeks of trying to find out more about this operation and Hip Dysplasia itself I gave up, most of what i found was information about cats and dogs!

Despite not having much luck with the research I went ahead with the surgery, and I have just recently decided to create a blog to help any other people out there who may be going through the same thing. So rather than being able to give a day by day or week by week run down on my surgery as things happen, I'm going to go about telling my story of the past year or so in my first few postings.

I just hope that this information will help and maybe reassure someone going through what I have been through. No surgery is the same on any person but I believe just to have someones opinion and to know or hear from someone that has been through something similar is reassuring in itself.

As time has gone on I have managed to find a few helpful and informative sites which i will add to my blog as useful links.

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