Tuesday 7 August 2007

Pre Op!

During my Pre Op Assessment I had to give some blood, swabs for MRSA, have an ECG, check my weight and height to work out my BMI, and the usual x-rays. It was then onto signing the consent form! Eeeek! I know they have to go through all the risks of surgery but I'd rather not know! When your feeling sick and on edge at the thought of it you just don't want to hear it. There's lots of form filling, you'll be asked about your next of kin and questions about your health and lifestyle. If it's not mentioned, ask about equipment to adapt your toilet. You will need a raised toilet seat at home after the operation which needs to be arranged beforehand.
The last couple of weeks prior to my operation seemed to fly past. Before I knew it, it was the day before the operation! I took the day off work to spend some quality time with my son who was only 2 at the time. I was horrified when I opened my post that morning to find there was a letter there from the hospital asking me to go in that afternoon instead of early the next morning. It meant my 'day of fun' was cut a bit short but luckily I had my bag packed already so didn't have to worry about that. I think the hospital staff thought I'd try and escape or not turn up, they obvoiusly wanted to keep an eye on me! Ha ha. This operation is definately one of the most frightening experiences I have ever had.

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